Plenary speakers

  • Valeriu Soltan, George Mason University, USA, Separation properties of convex sets
  • Ion Grama, University Bretagne Sud, France, A Perron-Frobenius theorem for products of non negative random matrices with applications
  • Florin Pop, National Institute for Research & Development in Informatics, Romania, The Vision of Climate-Neutral Governance in Smart Cities
  • Victor Chepoi, Universite d'Aix-Marseille, France, Biautomaticity of Helly and CB-groups
  • Mircea Sofonea, University of Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, France, Well-Posedness Concepts for Nonlinear Problems
  • Dan Tiba, Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy, Romania, Optimality conditions and Lagrange multipliers for shape and topology optimization problems
  • Ciprian Manolescu, Stanford University, USA, Khovanov Homology and Four-Dimensional Topoplogy
  • Simion Filip, University of Chicago, USA, Lyapunov Exponents, Anosov Representations, and Hodge Theory

Excursion to Mimi Castle

Excursion to Mimi Castle, June 27, 2023 (exact time and price will be provided later)
Village Bulboaca, Anenii Noi district,
Castle Mimi
The excursion includes:
• Guided tour of the "Mimi Castle" tourist complex,
• History of the last governor of Bessarabia - Constantin Mimi,

Public catering services

Public catering services on the campus of the State University of Moldova:
a. The USM canteen that is located between study blocks no. 4 and central, 75 Alexei Mateevici Street, closes at 5:00 p.m.
b. The USM cafeteria on Pushkin Street, block 4, closes at 5:00 p.m.
c. Gustomania, Strada Alexei Mateevici 60, closes at 17:00.

Second Announcement

The 9th International Conference

„Mathematics & IT: Research and Education”


June 26 – 29, 2023, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova


The conference MITRE 2023 provides a forum for specialists to discuss different aspects of the integration of research and education in Mathematics and Computer Science. Discussions are traditionally axed on the achievements in scientific research and advanced training of high qualification specialists in these areas according to real needs of economy, on ways of involving young talents in research. The participation of young scientists is encouraged...

First Announcement

The 9th International Conference

„Mathematics & IT: Research and Education”


June 26 – 29, 2023, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova


The conference MITRE 2023 provides a forum for specialists to discuss different aspects of the integration of research and education in Mathematics and Computer Science. Discussions traditionally are axed on the achievements in scientific research and advanced training of high qualification specialists in...